2008 to 2013 Administrative Motions

  • 2013

    ADMINISTRATIVE MOTION: 2013 MAR VISTA COMMUNITY FALL FESTIVAL AND SILENT AUCTION: Date:  Saturday, October 19, 2013; Festival Theme:  “Celebrating the Arts”; Festival Honoree:  Lorraine Wells Special Recognition for Years of Leadership, Service, and Friendship:  Bill Rosendahl
    ADMINISTRATIVE MOTION: MVCC SOCIAL MEDIA POLICY: JOHN KUCHTA, AD HOC WEBSITE TEAM: MVCC approves the attached Social Media Policy effective immediately. See Standing Rules for full text.
    ADMINISTRATIVE MOTION: RECOGNITION OF GRAND VIEW ELEMENTARY: Grand View Elementary students are among seven science teams from several Los Angeles schools to win a 3-day trip to the Santa Monica Mountains for demonstrating their knowledge in the sciences.  More than 60 young scientists from 17 different schools presented their projects to a panel of researchers from institutions such as Caltech and NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory at the 22nd annual L.A.’s Celebrate Science Fair that took place on Sunday at California State University, Los Angeles.  Students from Grand View and other schools first competed in local science fairs before reaching the final competition at Cal State. The winners will be treated to a 3-day excursion to NatureBridge Institute, an environmental education center with four California locations and one in Washington.
    ADMINISTRATIVE MOTION: MVCC EMPOWER PARKING PASSES: Approve the Chair and First Vice Chair as the designated parking pass holders for official MVCC business conducted at City Hall
  • 2012

    ADMINISTRATIVE MOTION: to approve and file with EmpowerLA/DONE the attached MVCC Election Stipulation Sheet, ATTACHMENT B. DEADLINE: JULY 1, 2012
    ADMINISTRATIVE MOTION: SM AIRPORT SURVEY: The Airport Committee has prepared a Santa Monica Airport Survey Questionnaire which it intends to distribute throughout the Mar Vista Community to gather Mar Vistans’ opinions on the future of the airport, given the upcoming June 30, 2015 expiration of : (1) the 1984 Agreement between the FAA and the City of Santa Monica which governs airport operations, and (2) the agreements between the City of Santa Monica and the flight schools that are now housed at the airport. The Airport Committee now submits this questionnaire for inclusion in the October 28, 2012 MVCC Election Day Exit Poll, and also requests that the questionnaire be available for distribution at the MVCC Tent at the Mar Vista Farmers Market on Sundays beginning after Election Day, and at the MVCC Tent at the October 20, 2012 Mar Vista Community Fall Festival.  Additionally, the Airport Committee requests that the questionnaire be included in the October 2012 MVCC Newsletter, if space permits.  Finally, the Airport Committee is taking under consideration the possibility of hosting an online survey site for the Santa Monica Airport Survey. Approved unanimously
    (1) What is your address (exact or by cross-streets)?
    (2) Do you or any of your family members work at the Santa Monica Airport (“SMO”)?
    ○ Yes
    ○ No
    (3) Do you or any of your family members own a plane that is kept at SMO?
    ○ Yes
    ○ No
    (4) Do you or any of your family members fly into or out of SMO regularly (i.e., several times a year)?
    ○ Yes
    ○ No
    (5) Do you go to events or activities at SMO (e.g., Antiques Market, museum, restaurants, holiday events.  This question does not include using soccer field/park area)?
    ○ Yes
    ○ No
    (6) The things I like about having SMO as an operating airport are (rank your choices, 1-3):
    Historical Significance Fun Factor Convenient for travel </span >Emergency egress/access Other Nothing
    (7) The things I do not like about having SMO as an operating airport are (rank your choices, 1-3):
    Air Pollution Noise   Pollution Safety Risk </span >Increased traffic Other Nothing
    (8) On July 1, 2015, the agreement between the City of Santa Monica and the FAA, which governs airport operations, expires, as do the agreements between Santa Monica and the flight schools now housed at SMO.  This raises many issues and opportunities for Santa Monica to significantly reduce or possibly eliminate airport operations all together.  I believe SMO should (circle your choice):
    (a) Remain open with operations continuing as is/no change.
    (b) Be closed and find an alternative use for the land now occupied by the airport.
    (c) Remain open but reduce operations to mitigate the impacts on the surrounding communities.
    (9) If you answered (b) to question 8, which alternative use for the land do you favor?:
    ○ Park/sports fields/open spaces
    ○ Housing/Residential
    ○ Expand Santa Monica College Campus
    ○ Non-aviation business/retail/office
    ○ Other community uses
    (10) If you answered (c) to question 8, which reductions in operations do you favor (check all that apply)?:
    ○ Eliminate jets
    ○ Significantly reduce jet operations and set strict curfews for jet planes
    ○ Eliminate flight schools
    ○ Significantly reduce, set strict curfews and prohibit pattern flying by flight school planes.
    ○ Eliminate propeller planes
    ○ Significantly reduce propeller plane operations and set strict curfews for propeller planes.
    (11) Would you like to be added to the Mar Vista Community Council Airport Committee email list to receive announcements and updates about Airport Committee meetings and activities?
    ○ Yes  email address___________________________________.
    ○ No
    ADMINISTRATIVE MOTION: Approve Elections 2012 exit SURVEY questions.
    Draft of MVCC Exit Poll concerns:
    1. All Los Angeles Neighborhood Councils currently receive an annual budget from the City of Los Angeles of $37,000. Should the City :
    ___ a) increase that budget
               ____b) decrease that budget
               ____c) leave it the same
    2. Should the Mar Vista Community Council City Funding be used to maintain deficient city facilities?
    ____ Yes
    ____ No
    ____ Maybe
    3. Should the MVCC participate in car sharing programs?
    _____ Yes
    _____ No
    4. Should the MVCC support expansion of parking facilities for the Farmers Market?
    _____ Yes
    _____ No
    _____ Maybe
    4a. Would you support a Feasibility Study to develop a pedestrian plaza in downtown Mar Vista at Grand View and Venice?
    _____ Yes
    _____ No
    _____ Maybe
    5. Should the property owners in the geographic area from Venice Boulevard south to the Culver City border be allowed to detach from the City of Los Angeles and seek annexation to the City of Culver City?
    _____ Yes
    _____ No
    _____ Maybe
    6. Should the City of Los Angeles follow the lead of Santa Monica and implement a food scraps curbside collection in the green bins?
    _____ Yes
    _____ No
    _____ Maybe
    7. Would you be more likely to patronize a business if it was green certified?
    _____ Yes
    _____ No
    _____ Maybe
    8. Would you be interested in supporting and attending a series of concert/performance events focused on local, Mar Vista talent?
    _____ Yes
    _____ No
    _____ Maybe
    9. Would you be interested in visiting an art show of local Mar Vista artists at a Community Center in the Mar Vista area?
    _____ Yes
    _____ No
    _____ Maybe
    10.   Should Santa Monica Airport remain open with operations continuing as is/no change?
    _____ Yes
    _____ No
    _____ Maybe
    11.  Should Santa Monica Airport be closed with an alternative use for the Airport land?
    _____ Yes
    _____ No
    _____ Maybe
    12.  Should Santa Monica Airport remain open, but reduce operations to mitigate the adverse impacts on the community?
    _____ Yes
    _____ No
    _____ Maybe
  • 2011


    ADMINISTRATIVE MOTION: The Mar Vista Community Council approves the involvement of the MVCC in the
    organization and promotion of the 2011 Annual Mar Vista Fall Festival.
    ADMINISTRATIVE MOTION: The Mar Vista Community Council approves the partnership with the Venice
    Neighborhood Council to put on a 36th Congressional Special Primary Election Candidate Forum on April 27th.
    ADMINISTRATIVE MOTION: The MVCC Board approves the following as the theme for the 2011 Annual Mar Vista Fall
    Festival: “Our Children, Our Future”
    ADMINISTRATIVE MOTION: The name of the “Bi-Monthly CD11/LADOT/LAPD/MVCC Committee” on the MVCC web
    site shall be changed to “Mar Vista Bi-Monthly LADOT CD11 LAPD Traffic Committee.”
    ADMINISTRATIVE MOTION: The MVCC approves the selection of Diana Rodgers to be the official honoree of the 2011
    Annual Mar Vista Community Fall Festival. Additionally, the MVCC recommends that a commendation be presented
    to the Mar Vista Farmers’ Market as part of the presentation ceremony at the Fall Festival.
    ADMINISTRATIVE MOTION: The MVCC will partner with the Los Angeles Costume Swap and Green Halloween event in
    October, 2011.
    ADMINISTRATIVE MOTION:The MVCC approves the use of the following survey for the MVCC
    beekeeping pilot feasibility study:
    The Mar Vista Community Council is considering conducting an Urban Beekeeping Pilot
    Program to help support honey bees within the Mar Vista community. 1. How do you feel about legalizing beekeeping in residential (R1) areas?
    a. support
    b. do not support
    c. no opinion
    2. Mar Vista is considering a beekeeping pilot project.
    a. I would like to participate in the project as a beekeeper
    b. I would like to participate in other ways (monetary, volunteer, etc)
    c. I support the project, but do not want to participate.
    d. I do not want this pilot project in Mar Vista
    3. Please share your thoughts:
    Concern(s) about the project:________________________________
    Reason(s) for participation/interest:________________________________
    4. I am a Mar Vista Community Council stakeholder: yes/no
    5. I am a resident of the City of Los Angeles: yes/no
    ADMINISTRATIVE MOTION: The MVCC approves the designation of At-Large Director
    Sharon Commins to be the Board member to whom the MVCC Purchase Card is issued after the effective
    date (October 30, 2011) of the current Treasurer’s resignation, and she will be responsible for its use
    ADMINISTRATIVE MOTION: Mar Vista Community Council proudly salutes Daniel Buccieri, teacher at Mark Twain Middle School, for being honored by the Los Angeles Unified School District as a Teacher of the Year 2011-2010. MVCC thanks Daniel for his dedication to student success as a teacher of history and for exemplifying our community’s strong commitment to supporting excellence in education
    ADMINISTRATIVE MOTION: To accept with deepest regret, with profound thanks for his years of dedication to the community, the resignation of Albert Olson from the Mar Vista Community Council Board of Directors tendered November 9, 2011 via email
    ADMINISTRATIVE MOTION: To appoint First Vice Chair and Acting Chair Sharon Commins, who has taken the treasurer training mandated by DONE, as the required second Signatory for the MVCC account AND To appoint Community Director Alex Thompson, who has taken the treasurer training mandated by DONE, as the required second Signatory for the MVCC account
    ADMINISTRATIVE MOTION: To direct the MVCC Election and Bylaws Committee to review policies and procedures regarding the appointment of board members and the election of officers, and to report back to the Executive Committee at the regular monthly meeting December 5, 2011
  • 2010

    Administrative Motion: The MVCC recommends the proposed City Planning Commission June 10, 2010 study session on the Code Simplification Work Program with corresponding ordinances and the following schedule of July, August and September be delayed 90 days to perform Charter mandated outreach and exchange of feedback with all Neighborhood and Community Councils.
    Administrative Motion: The Mar Vista Community Council requests the CD11 office and the Dept of City Planning provide a status and funding update on the Livable Blvds project.
    Attachment Size
    MVCC-140408-ADMIN-MOTION -CORAL TREE.pdf 272.24 KB
  • 2009

    July 14, 2009


    June 9, 2009

    1. ADMINISTRATIVE MOTION: Green Comm. Blog: Continue profiling gardens on the showcase blog, as well as MVCC events with a landscaping/environmental focus.
    2. ADMINISTRATIVE MOTION : partner with CD11 Water Conservation event to assist with planning and outreach, and to receive acknowledgement that the event is co-hosted by the MVCC Green Committee.
    3. ADMINISTRATIVE MOTION: the MVCC Green Committee requests a booth at the Fall Festival.
    4. ADMINISTRATIVE MOTION: Approval of Urban Insight Design #10 for MVCC home page design template

    May 12, 2009

    1. ADMINISTRATIVE MOTION - Green Garden Tour Appreciation: Mar Vista Community Council formally recognizes and extends our appreciation to the organizers and garden hosts that participated in Mar Vista's 1st Annual Green Garden Tour with board approved certificates.

    April 14, 2009

    1. ADMINISTRATIVE MOTION: Rob Kadota nominated Albert Olson to be LADOT MOU liaison with Bill Pope as alternate.

    February 10, 2009

    1. ADMINISTRATIVE MOTION: To create "Mar Vista Green Garden Showcase," tour of sustainable and eco?friendly gardens and homes on April 26th.
    2. ADMINISTRATIVE MOTION: To explore MVCC Speed Trailer Repair and possible upgrades.
    3. ADMINISTRATIVE MOTION: To approve the letter of appreciation for the donation of coffee and other accoutrements in support of Shake Out '08 and "Aftershock" to the manager of Starbucks Coffee at 11705 National Blvd.

    January 13, 2009


  • 2008

    January 18, 2008

    1. ADMINISTRATIVE MOTION: to affirm Mar Vista Community Council€™s intention to conduct our next round of elections this June in partnership with the City Clerks Office and adopt election-related bylaw ammendments.

    February 12, 2008

    1. ADMINISTRATIVE MOTION: Grant permission by the MVCC Board of Directors for a 2nd MVCC charge card (US Bank Card) be issued to MVCC Chair, Rob Kadota as stipulated in City of LA DONE Info. Bulletin 2008-0
    2. ADMINISTRATIVE MOTION: The MVCC Treasurer should consider using paid bookkeeping support to get up to date.
    3. ADMINISTRATIVE MOTION: to approve survey regarding SMO. See Santa Monica Airport Committee Motions and Report attachment A.

    May 13, 2008  

    1. ADMINISTRATIVE MOTION: Accept proposed MVCC Standing Rules. See Attachment A.
    2. ADMINISTRATIVE MOTION:  to establish an Ad Hoc MVCC Web Development Management Committee (WebDev) to interface with MVCC and the selected Design Co. To be Co-Chaired by Colin Hatton and Babak Nahid with Keith Lambert, as a senior technical consultant.

    June 10, 2008

    1. ADMINISTRATIVE MOTION: Review and finalize MVCC Annual Stakeholder Survey 2008

    August 12, 2008

    1. ADMINISTRATIVE MOTION:  Rob Kadota nominated the following as Chairs or Co-Chairs of MVCC Committees:
      Community Concept Plan Committee - Sharon Commins, Chair
      Education, Culture, & Arts Committee - Babak Nahid and Kate Anderson, Co-Chairs
      Election and Bylaws Committee - Bob Fitzpatrick, Chair
      Green Committee - Laura Bodensteiner, Chair
      Outreach Committee - Albert Olson and Stephen Boskin, Co-Chairs
      Recreation & Open Space Enhancement Committee - Tom Ponton, Chair
      Safety and Security Committee - Bill Koontz, Chair
      Santa Monica Airport Committee - Bill Scheding, Chair
      Santa Monica College Bundy Campus Ad Hoc Committee - Bob Fitzpatrick, Chair
      Transportation & Infrastructure Committee - Albert Olson, Chair
      Urban Planning / Land Use Committee - Ken Alpern and Steve Wallace, Co-Chairs
      Web Development Committee -Babak Nahid, Chair
      Neighborhood Traffic Management Committee - Bill Pope, Chair
      Director of Animal Welfare - Lola McKnight
      DWP MOU Representative - Babak Nahid
      The nominations were unanimously approved by the board.
    2. ADMINISTRATIVE MOTION:  To approve web redesign new Request For Proposal

    September 9, 2008

    1. ADMINISTRATIVE MOTION: To appoint Laura Bodensteiner to fillvacant At Large Director seat.
    2. ADMINISTRATIVE MOTION:  The current MVCC Board approved budget lacks required line item details as required by DONE. A more specific budget was presented for review and adoption by the board.
    3. ADMINISTRATIVE MOTION:  To change name of MVCC Urban Planning and Land Use Committee to Planning and Land Use Management Committee<(PLUM Committee)
    4. ADMINISTRATIVE MOTION:  To appoint Laura Bodensteiner to fill the position of Board Secretary9

    September 25, 2008

    1. ADMINISTRATIVE MOTION: The Mar Vista Community Council, in the interest of introducing Mar Vista stakeholders to the Mar Vista Community Council and its activities, may allocate money to support and partner with groups and organizations who are creating neighborhood block parties, with the following conditions:
      1. All publicity for the event must include a reference to MVCC sponsorship
      2. The organization or group putting on the block party must provide a forum for public introduction of the MVCC to the attendees at the party. In addition, the MVCC shall be allowed to host a booth or table where promotional materials can be distributed.
      3. The answers to the following questions may be used to make funding decisions. The group or organization putting on the block party shall answer the following questions:
        1. What is the average attendance for past neighborhood block parties put on by your group?
        2. What is the attendance you are anticipating for your block party?
        3. What is the budget of expenditures for this event?
        4. How are you raising money to pay for this event?
        5. How much money are you asking for from the MVCC?
        6. For what expenditure(s) will this money be used?
      4. Funding requests will be reviewed by the Outreach Committee and then sent to the MVCC Board for approval. At the end of the fiscal year, the Outreach Committee will review, evaluate and report to the Board on the effectiveness of the events as outreach. This administrative motion ends June 30, 2009.
    2. ADMINISTRATIVE MOTION:  The MVCC Board will establish an Ad Hoc Committee, at the board level, similar in nature and scope to the SMC Bundy Campus Ad Hoc Committee, to evaluate and vet proposals for future public use of the old Fire Station 62 Site.
    3. ADMINISTRATIVE MOTION:  The MVCC wishes to thank the LA Department of Water and Power, the CD5 office, and any involved City Agencies for their efforts to rewire underground, and thereby preserve the health of, the Moreton Bay Fig Tree at St. John's Church.

    November 11, 2008

    1.  Sharon Commins and Rachel Swanger are nominated to co-chair Old #62 Fire station Alternative Use Committee.
    2.  ADMINISTRATIVE MOTION:  The MVCC will participate in the WATCH THE ROAD program as follows: At no cost to neighborhood councils, this program will create yard signs with the Watch for Kids/Watch The Road message and the neighborhood council name and logo. The Council must commit to: 1) coordinate a program to deliver the signs on a first come first served basis, 2) place a link to the WatchTheRoad.org website on our NC homepage (if available) and 3) contact WTR to request a community or NC presentation on traffic safety.
    3. ADMINSTRATIVE MOTION:  To approve the ROSE Committee;s active role in a project to upgrade and beautify the stairway area leading from Beethoven St to Appleton Way, with Marilyn Marble as project manager.
    4. ADMINISTRATIVE MOTION:  MVCC approves the selection of Urban Insight Inc. as the designer and developer of the MVCC web site.
    5. ADMINISTRATIVE MOTION:  MVCC approves the work-for-hire-contract between MVCC and Urban Insight for the design and development of the MVCC web site (Referenced contract document will be posted with this agenda on the web and copies will be available for review at the meeting)

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